Donate by Bankwire

The following form fields are mandatory if you would like to get a personalized confirmation on your donation. Beyond that this form allows you to provide us with some additional information.

Then please send us this form along with your donation. This allows us to relate your donation to you and eases this task.

Account holder: SCHRIFT-BILDER gGmbH
IBAN: DE43 1009 0000 2927 2510 03
Bank: Volksbank-Berlin

Thank you very much for your support ..


Your Name (name and last name)*:

Your E-Mail*:

Street + house numer*:

Postal-Code City*:

IBAN (Your Bank account to relate your donation to your name)*:

Donation dedication:

Citation (Do you want your name displayed as a donor? We'll contact you in that case on tangible projects):

Your message: